
  • #1 written by julianne
    about 1 years ago

    Haunting, heart felt, allowing, releasing, and loving.

  • #2 written by Mom Rice
    about 4 years ago

    Checking in for a refresher on Rainbowland Music.
    Adjusting my hearing aids to better catch the lyrics is
    helping. I’m sure better speakers would help,too. However, as I am now 7 months away from turning 90
    your sound and lyrics are good and getting “gooder” as a famous lyricist puts it…..the rhythms, beat, chords, and energy in your music keep “dem bones, dem dry bones” of mine moving and that’s VERY important. Thanks for making me want to kick up my heels and dance, dance,dance…..love, Mom

  • #3 written by Frankie Dee
    about 4 years ago

    you are still my hero yes this is Frank DiFranco drummer of elixir never stop checking to see how you’re doing I apologize for the past we’ve all gone through the hell ride mine is just grab me and told me down a little more than I would have expected I love you Doug you always will have a place and my spirit and heart that have impacted me keep smiling keep playing keep singing one day maybe I’ll be able to make my way to you and get behind the drum set once again would you looking at me the way you used to smile every time I get into a restroom at work that has good Reverb I sing one of my favorite songs you used to sing or one of the lines, It was night and silence was all around me so alone the devil could not have found me and as I wandered in my dark dispare something in the air a voice that really wasn’t there… Wipe it ???????
    (786) 306-5292 Love Ya Doug Kingsley (Rice)?

  • #4 written by robust
    about 4 years ago


  • #5 written by jaine
    about 5 years ago

    New album is awesome: Notes from the Bus Stop

  • #6 written by Ann R. Rice
    about 5 years ago

    The new studio with you in it is very fine!
    Congratulations! You grow more professional and interesting by the minute! Keep up the scintillating tones and lyrics!

  • #7 written by GG Rice
    about 5 years ago

    Just checking in…Inner Light is filling me with
    your musical expressiveness about life in general – especially your current feelings about the planet and humankind. Wail ’till you meet your new niece, 3 week old Evie Rose. Humankind will blossom a bit in your
    estimation, I predict. Can’t wait for your newest album. Great Grandmother Ann

  • #8 written by Frankie Dee (your Drummer)
    about 6 years ago

    Let me first start off by saying I love you tremendously and I miss you tremendously sorry about dropping out of contact my life is taking every single flip flop imaginable and I’ve come out of it a different man still working for American Airlines still loving and missing what I used to do as a drummer I have an amazing woman in my life I’ve gone through my last and final divorce I’ll ever go through my kids are beautiful and I’m wondering how you are I just Googled you and found you once again sorry for the time and space

  • #9 written by forensic rainbow analyser
    about 7 years ago

    luv ur stuff xoxo

  • #10 written by celestial being
    about 7 years ago


    Send me your email so I can send you happy birthday wishes.

    me too i’d love to have a chat sometime

  • #11 written by Ann (definitely still not your mom)
    about 7 years ago

    can i buy your cat?

  • #12 written by Ann (not your mom unfortunately)
    about 7 years ago

    love your music would love to hear some christian metal sometime soon

  • #13 written by Jonas Kazlauskas
    about 8 years ago

    Hello Doug. At first I would like to introduce myself.My name is Jonas Kazlauskas and I’m 15 years old music lover and records collector from Lithuania / Europe /. I do not know if I found the right place and people,but I’m searching for members of 80’s band ELIXIR . I collect mostly 45 rpms. Local/less known/ unsigned records . All 70’s and 80’s genres. classic Punk / New Wave / Industrial . If I’m not mistaken ELIXIR had one 45 rpm out with original songs back in early 80’s and I desperately searching this record.So maybe you sitll have a spare copy of it ???? OK.That’s all for now All The best and sorry for my poor english.


    Jonas Kazlauskas

    P.S Please replay to my email if it’s possible. Thanks

  • #14 written by Stephen Benton
    about 8 years ago

    Hi Doug,
    I found some of your planetary mantra recordings and wanted to ask a question about pronunciation.
    I have been writing a book on these types of mantras and am almost finished.
    But I think I may have the pronunciation incorrect on the last syllable for each planetary mantra.

    Specifically the “ya” syllable after Suryaaya, Mangalaaya, Shukraaya, Candraaya…

    I had imagined that the “ya” sound was with a long A sound, as in “Yay.”

    But as I listened to your versions I hear only a short vowel sound, as in “Yah.”
    Om Surya-yah namah om.
    Om Shukra-yah namah om.
    Om Mangalaa-yah namah om…..

    My impression was that they were spoken like:
    Om Shukra-yay namah om.
    Om Surya-yay namah om.
    Om Mangalaa-yay namah om…..

    Any insight would be appreciated.
    Stephen Benton

  • #15 written by Renee Marie West
    about 8 years ago

    Hey Doug Kingsley Rice. I’m still enjoying your music and recommending it far’n’wide. Thank you for sharing.? Send my greetings to our friend Molly. I continue to value the priceless music she introduced me to in the Gold Country. As you know, all that glitters is not gold. Your music is a rainbow of lasting peace.

  • #16 written by Runtime Al
    about 8 years ago

    So much music and so little time. New to these neck of the woods? Doug has got the answer for you: 60 for 60. What does Doug do? He does it all. Pick your poison: 5 albums of Greatest Hits: Ballads, Rockers, Metal, Epic, Contemplative.

    For those of us that still relate to the album format, what we know is that an individual song is affected by it’s surroundings. Doug has chosen to give new focus to these songs in a new format: music by type. Brand new to Doug’s music? The titles tell you what you need to know and where to go.

    Greg Lake once said that Keith Emerson had musicality in abundance. But I’m here to tell you he’s not the only one. Doug is guilty of this crime also. Over and over.

    So the songs have new “Shine” in a new setting with new shimmer. Hop on board the Doug express to musical nirvana.

    Al Cooke
    Bassist in absentia.

  • #17 written by Celeste
    about 8 years ago

    Send me your email so I can send you happy birthday wishes.

  • #18 written by Ann Rice
    about 8 years ago

    A very fine new website! I like the splash of rainbow colors on the page top. I like the the “slide show” of albums. I like the pictures. I like the news
    updates. What’s not to like???? Mom

  • #19 written by Jan Lee Zink Fechter
    about 10 years ago

    Wow…that was quite the flashback Friday.

  • #20 written by Ann Rice
    about 10 years ago

    I’ve watched you grow and develop your music, son. I’m pleased and so happy with what you’ve done with your life. Keep on keeping on bringing joy to so many people. “By our children we are taught” is certainly true for me. Thank you and love always. Mom

  • #21 written by Jess Delaney
    about 10 years ago

    Hey Doug! I’m trying to get ahold of Jeff….have him send me an email if you can. Great looking website BTW!


  • #22 written by Madam Truefire
    about 10 years ago

    Fabulous website, oh Singer of My Soul.
    As always, I follow your work along the yellow brick road. Be blessed, my friend, be blessed.
    MT, geri

  • #23 written by Ann Mom
    about 11 years ago

    The photo slideshow is a trip down memory lane…I teared up! And besides the music and the energy and the philosophy you’re a wonderful son. I’m blessed. Be well and weller to quote some song lyrics!!!

  • #24 written by Ann
    about 13 years ago

    AT&T and Yahoo have upgraded their web homepages. There’s a special place for FAVORITES and you’re #1 on it.

  • #25 written by Ann
    about 13 years ago

    The new additions are very good – Schubertians & barbershop quartetsters especially. Cath was great at your birthday party at Amigos – so animated!! I loved the keyboard interlude featuring Jerri, too. And, of course, you and Morning Star, the guitar playing songsters extrordinaire, make the whole place rock. Happy birthday and congratulations. Love, Mom

  • #26 written by Alice & Reg Rice
    about 13 years ago

    Thank you! Thank you!

    First, for going to Barrington for Carol’s celebration. Your presence was an important addition to the family gathering. Second, the ” Son of Banjo Man ” CD is perfect for us old timers. We know most of the songs and can sing along. The banjo medley is just toe-tapping fun. Reminds me of your Dad. He must have been very proud of you.

    Happy New Year to you and Catherine.
    Love, Alice and Reg

  • #27 written by Dave Proo
    about 13 years ago

    Just finished checking out your website, nice job! I especially enjoyed your video “Elixir – Hold the Line” a classic time capsule in so many ways and your photos illustrating your wonderful life been shared with music and friends.
    Well I think it is time to drop in the Songster Friends, soundtrack sampler C/D in the red sports car, crank it up and go for a ride, jump in.
    Take care my friend,

  • #28 written by Ann
    about 13 years ago

    So nice to have Emily Douglass “in the loop”.
    Now I’ll try to link up with “Eidelon” in Greenwich Village……….

  • #29 written by Emily Douglass
    about 13 years ago

    Doug, Hope this gets to you. We wanted to write and say how GREAT it was to see you in Barrington last weekend. Thank you, thank you, thank you for making the trip. It meant a lot to all of us. It was just so wonderful to reconnect. Art said he didn’t have a postal address for you so we could try this. Just know we are still thinking about you too and will continue to be in touch. And, now I have a great new place to listen to some fantastic music. Hope all is going well. Love, “Cousin” Emily

  • #30 written by Ann
    about 13 years ago

    Doug – This is the first time I’ve looked at the new
    web site. Awesome! Now to treat myself to some listening and viewing.
    You and your cohorts have created a really interesting place to pause and enjoy. Thank you each one.
    Fondly, Mom

  • #31 written by Carol Horner
    about 13 years ago

    Wow Doug! Wonderful site….. It will take me some time to explore it, which I will. A little Butterfly told me about it tonight at dinner! I like your intro a lot and the colors.



  • #32 written by The Prince
    about 14 years ago

    Hey Dougie!

    I’ve just been perusing the site for the past hour and a half or so. It’s absolutely amazing!!! I love it!! I’ve watched about half of the videos and Lauren and I are definitely going to make it up to one of Star People’s concerts the first chance we get. Again, the site is fantastic! I’m adding it to my bookmarks. Love you.


  • #33 written by Your bloodsister/friendsister
    about 14 years ago

    Wow! And to say it backwards, WOW!
    This is really impressive. It will take me time to explore it all. Love your opening comments. You have captured YOU without excess. I will be sharing this with the ones I think might appreciate it.
    Love you.

  • #34 written by Helen Monroe
    about 14 years ago

    Great sound, Doug and I love the new website! Congratulations on your success. Hope to see you on stage one day.

    Auntie H.

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