Lyrics to Muse in Love


What is coming, and what has been
Are but small details for the light awakening within

Another New Year Day… another new decade
Another blink in the eye of Spirit
A little laugh from the Buddha smile

Let the story spin… I return within
From the shimmering periphery
To the heart of my eternity

Unwrapping the present
Removing the packaging
The gift is unfolding… a heart flower opening

The moment is current
The current is flowing
The flow is revealing
The insight is knowing

New Year Day… New Day Year
The time is Now… The life is Here
A mystical movement, hypnotically calling
Poetically dancing, timeless entrancing

What is coming, and what has been
Are but small details for the light awakening within


Big Creek

I stood by the stream
Inhaling orchestral sound and shimmering light

Then the stream disappeared into a wave of vibration
That entered my feet and flooded my being

An exuberant rush passed through me
And I sobbed uncontrollably

Overwhelmed with indescribable joy
Overwhelmed with incomprehensible understanding

I stood by the stream
I am the stream



Love Is

Love is
Love is ours

Love… we love
We love ourselves… we love each other
We love humanity… we love all nature

Love is ours

Love… Love is
Love is connection… love is freedom
Love is knowing… love is present

Love is ours

Love… we love…We love creation
We love…we love our life
Love is connection… love is freedom

Love is ours

Love…love is ours
Love…love is here
Love is ours

Love is ours
Love is


The Universe

There comes a time
When it’s less about manifesting the dream
And more about enjoying the dream that’s here

This does not slow expansion
But becomes expanding and deepening awareness
And appreciation
This is the true fulfillment of incarnation

Like the universe
We embody the ever-expanding spacious moment
And know the ever existing, ever conscious, ever new joy

Sat Chit Ananda
Ever new joy


Friendship Is

Thank you for your friendship
I’m grateful for your friendship
I appreciate your friendship
I am your friend

Friendship is
Connection, a giving and receiving, with presence

Friendship is
Supportive, receptive and caring
In the sharing of our lives

Friendship is
Across time and distance
Through changing story… an inner recognition

Friendship is
Through joy and sorrow
A knowing we will be there for each other
If we can

And even if we cannot
We still will…. In our eternal heart
We always will

And even if I can’t
I still will… in my eternal heart
I always will

A reflection from a friend,
with peaceful and compassionate understanding
Shows me my spirit
I enter the reflection,
at this most interesting time in the arc of incarnation
Friendship is… friendship is…


Soul Dancing

Soul Dancing – Dance with Spirit
Shake your little angel
Soul Dancing – Dance with Spirit
Spin your Inner Vision

It’s a sensation in the vibration
The intuition is the invitation

Soul Dancing – Dance with Spirit
Shake your little angel
Soul Dancing – Dance with Spirit
Spin your Inner Tango

Then I felt myself, step outside myself
And I heard myself, deep inside myself, say
I really love this guy!
Self inside a Self inside a Self inside a Self…

All I know…it feels good
I feel safe, I am assured
So good to know, the love is alive
So good to know, the love am I
As we come and go

What is this Source connection?
Not an action… Not a doing…

What is this Source connection?
It is feeling… It’s a receiving

A premonition, an intuition
A knowing beyond understanding
It’s a choosing, it’s a turning
To the Projector, that shines
The Shimmering Periphery Movie

To feel the heart of the Projector
Is to deepen and to clarify the movie
The Projector is smiling, inhaling and releasing
Worlds of awareness are rising and fading
The heart of eternity is pulsing
The rhythm of life song is flowing
As we come and go… that’s what it’s all about

Soul Dancing – Dance with Spirit
Shake your little angel
Soul Dancing – Dance with Spirit
Spin your Inner Vision
Soul Dancing – Dance with Spirit
In the vibration
Soul Dancing – Dance with Spirit
Feel the intuition
Soul Dancing – Dance with Spirit
Spin the Inner Tango
Soul Dancing – Dance with Spirit
Shake your little angel



This extraordinary day, beyond imagining…
Beautiful day! Glorious day…

I embrace this beauty
I become this glory

I will bring this day to every day
Because I can
I will bring this day to every day
Because I choose

I become this beauty
I embrace this glory

Beautiful day, glorious day
Extraordinary day, beyond imagining…



And yet… can I really bring the remembrance
Of a feeling, from a brilliant day
Into a day of loss?

Question for a walking contemplation…

I surely hope so… with aging
The time of loss becomes familiar
And the brilliant days of memory
Are silver linings of satisfaction
They do not fill the emptiness
They soften the sorrow
And invite the attention
To a brighter horizon
And a deeper releasing

And so… can I really bring the remembrance
Of a feeling, from a brilliant day
Into a day of loss?

I think I can… I think I have
I think I will… I surely hope so



Stepping up to the moment
Stepping out of the door
Stepping onto the meadow
Go walk on the road!

Stepping into the stream
Stepping into the light now
Stepping into the moment
Go find the insight!

Step –hop in –get into it –be in!

When I step onto this land
So much gratitude
My heart is soaring!

Stepping up to the moment
Stepping out of the door now
Stepping onto the meadow
Go walk on the road now!

Stepping into the stream
Step into the light now
Step into the moment
Go find the insight!

Step in – hop into it – get in – be in!

When I step onto this land
With joy and appreciation
My heart is soaring!

Hop into it!

Get in–hop into it—get into it—be in!

When I step onto the land
My heart is soaring
With joy and appreciation
Every time my being floods!

Step in – get into it!



With you I feel
Beyond the horizon of my knowing

You are always with me
Even when my spirit is a desert
Especially then

You love the rivers and the ocean
You dance delighted
You love me so

You are the muse of
Rejuvenation and cleansing
You are light-hearted
You come and go
You are free

You are always with me
Even in the tremors of my doubting
Especially then

You quench the deepest thirst within me
I love you so



Ah Phoenix!
You are here, and you are rising
Such grace and beauty
You fly above me
You fly away

Ah Phoenix!
You are with me
We are rising
From the ashes to the ashes

Returning… we are returning…
We are free

I remember, you are the ally
I remember, you are the way
I can see you, you are approaching
And I love you through another day

Ah Phoenix!
You are here, you are rising
Such grace and beauty
You are with me
We are rising, we are free

I remember, you are the ally
I remember, you are the way
I can see you, you are approaching
And I love you
through my dying day

I love you
from the ashes to the ashes
we are rising
we are returning
we are free



God bless the homeland, land that I love
Shine inside me, and guide me
That the freedom that I love for myself
Is the freedom I allow in the other

Over mountains and rivers
And meadows where I roam
God bless this wonderland
That I still call home

I am standing with integrity
It’s a beautiful place to be
It guides to wise discernment
A powerful way to see

There are times with this integrity—
feels like swimming upstream
Still I know I am flowing
In the current of Spirit’s dream

I heard a wise woman saying
“I am the sky… I am the sky…
And everything else is just weather”

Whatever the field of endeavor
The path of integrity

Is a beautiful place to be
A powerful way to see

God bless the homeland, land that I love
Shine inside me, and guide me
The freedom I love for myself
Is the freedom I allow in the other

Over mountains and rivers
And meadows where I roam
God bless this wonderland
That I still call home

I love the freedom
I have come to know this day
May we all become that freedom
Each and every one of us in our own way

God bless the homeland
Spirit love the Rainbowland
Phoenix, take us home