A while back, a dear friend made a suggestion to Cath that I consider doing an instrumental album. When Cath relayed the suggestion to me, I chuckled. “I’d be more likely to do a book of poetry than an instrumental album,” I responded. Still, a seed had been planted. This new album turns out to be a combination of both. Recited poems are alternated with instrumental interludes. The poetry, freed of lyrical parameters, is more expansive in its expression. The music, released of its responsibility to provide a setting to the lyrics, can be more complex in its content, and intricate in its arrangement and textures. On several occasions, the voice is included in the musical interludes, and functions as another instrument in the orchestration. This approach has been unique in my experience. I know of no other album taking such an approach. It has been quite an adventure, and now that it is complete, I am satisfied beyond imagination of expectancy. Hope you find the listen an enjoyable adventure as well.

Love & Light, Doug
