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- Lyrics to Hold the Vision
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- Lyrics to Heart Whale: The Wail of the Heart
- Lyrics to The Unobstructed Light
- Lyrics to Requiem for a Lost Friend
- Lyrics to Present Moment
- Lyrics to Life After Life
- Lyrics to self to Self
- Lyrics to Keys to the Kingsley
- Lyrics to Brilliance
- Lyrics to Stream of Well-Being
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- Lyrics to Songster Rock – Vol. 2
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- Joy Amidst the Crash of Breaking Worlds Liner Notes
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- A Spiritual Influence in my Music
- The Unobstructed Light Liner Notes
- Heart Whale Liner Notes
- Inner Light Liner Notes
- Notes From the Bus Stop Liner Notes
- Muse in Love Liner Notes
- Hold the Vision Liner Notes
- A Gallery of Angels Within Liner Notes
- Weave a New World Liner Notes
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Motown Medley-Star People
Dec 9th
Star People had a great show at the Nevada County Fair this year in August. Here is a clip of our “Motown Medley” from that show. This clip, along with four others from the County Fair, are now available for viewing in the Video section. Enjoy!

Present Moment-Wonderful Moment – Album #89!
Jul 25th
The title of the album, Present Moment : Wonderful Moment is a breath meditation that comes from the Vietnamese Zen Buddhist, Thich Nhat Hanh. The flow of the album explores the arc of an incarnation, from non-physical intention to non-physical return. It is the journey of a lifetime, from the exhilaration of discovery, through the many stages of experience, offering a deepening of appreciation and wisdom “for those with eyes to see.” Each song piece reflects a unique facet of the incarnation diamond, and these pieces are best heard in the context of the whole. If you can find an uninterrupted 43 minutes, get your favorite comfortable chair, some good headphones, and a nice glass of wine… and hear it in its entirety. Hey, I can dream, right? However you hear it, please know that I deeply appreciate the listen. The music does too.
Hope the arc of your incarnation is filled with joy.
Love and appreciation, Doug
Rainbowland 5th Anniversary
Jul 1st
Greetings, dear one who is reading this… June 23rd marked the 5 year anniversary for the Rainbowland website. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! To date, there have been over 50,000 unique visitors, 64,000 listens and 32,000 downloads. It is a most gratifying thought to me that there are folks out there who are connecting to the music. Both the music and I thank you! Special thanks again to Web Master Richard Rodrigue, who makes this sharing possible.
I am just completing album #89. It is titled “Present Moment : Wonderful Moment”, and it is subtitled “A Road Trip of Heart Reflections”. I hope to have it posted to the site soon. It will be the 30th album available for free download.
Thanks again for your presence and support. Your connection with the music completes the circle, and gives the music new life.
With love and appreciation,

Life After Life!
8 musical pieces for album #88.
Nov 29th
The opening track, Remember This, is an energetic anthem that sets the lyrical tone.
The World Between the Worlds and Jaine’s Guitar are before and after songs responding to the “crossing over” of a beloved family member.
The Real Miracle is an answer to a radio interview with a scientist who suggested that the big bang theory is a dis-proof of the existence of god.
Islands and Oceans is the heart of the album… a schizophrenic, autobiographical 10-minute musical adventure.
Raindrops Revisited takes a lyric written 30 years ago, and gives it a whole new musical setting.
We Know is another musical adventure, exploring the wisdom that comes from the experience of authentic love.
Eternity Friend is a ballad of appreciation to all of you soul friends who represent my soul family in this life.
My invitation once again… find 41 uninterrupted minutes, pour yourself a glass of wine and get out your favorite headphones, and listen to it straight through.
It’s a great ride. Enjoy!
Love, Doug
Rainbowland Concert Slideshow
Sep 6th
The August 23rd Doug Rice Acoustic Ensemble concert at Rainbowland was wonderful! Here is a selection of Bruce Malnor’s photos taken at the concert. The music track is Doug Rice performing the Youngblood’s “Get Together” and David Bowie’s “Heroes.” We are continuing to upload videos from the concert, which can all be seen at https://rainbowlandmusic.com/videos/. Hope you enjoy them!
Runtime Al Goes to Rainbowland
Aug 27th
Al “Runtime” Cooke travels to Rainbowland to play with Doug Rice, his Elixir bandmate from the early 1980’s. Here’s a some video footage of their reunion, sharing with friends & family, and practices before their 8/23/14 concert with the Doug Rice Acoustic Ensemble. Video of the concert will be coming soon!
Gentle Song
May 27th
In honor of Mother’s Day, here is a clip from a concert last fall. I am singing a song called “Tender Song” to my mom, as the closing number of the concert. It was a truly special moment. Enjoy!

Before and After
Feb 14th
My brother-in-law, Steve, passed away on January 22nd. I am especially close with my sister, Jaine, so this has been a time of deep feeling. In late December, Jaine and Steve returned home from their last trip to Stanford hospital, knowing that there was not much more that they could do. The house was cold from days of emptiness. They built a fire in the living room, and sat together, sharing stories from their amazing life together. After hearing this vignette from Jaine, I woke up in the middle of the night and wrote the song, The World Between the Worlds. It became my soundtrack in the days that followed, being present with Jaine from a distance.
Most of my family went together to be with Jaine after Steve’s passing. Steve, ever-supportive of Jaine’s creativity, had purchased her a beautiful Martin guitar years ago. Jaine, in turn, organized a family gift to me of the identical Martin guitar for my 50th birthday. We played songs together in remembrance of Steve. When I left to make the 6 hour drive back to Rainbowland, I grabbed Jaine’s guitar by mistake. A day or two later, I took Jaine’s guitar out of the case to see what I might find. There was the song, Jaine’s Guitar. It is a song written from me to Steve, and is for Jaine. Hence, the two-song cd Before and After
What follows is the beautiful obituary Jaine wrote for Steve, with loving help from her wonderful friends:
Steve Agronsky – beloved husband, brother, and son; a man who dared to imagine the life he wanted and then live it among the orange and avocado trees and the oaks on his Templeton farm; professor of mathematics who truly put students first; a trekker of mountain ridge and cloud forests, volcano and jungle paths; paddler of Alaskan rivers; one who understood the great gift of humor, straight-faced, understated, and impeccably timed; who practiced the fine art of listening, confidante, wise advisor, and bracing friend; a man who loved children and trees… Steve died Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2014, surrounded by loved ones under a waning Wolf Moon. He requested there be no formal memorial. To honor his memory, plant a tree – Any tree, anywhere.
Kriss Miss Toons
Nov 23rd
I’ve always loved the carol, “Lo How a Rose”, and thought to create a rendition. When I searched the lyrics, the first song that came up was “The Rose”, as sung by Bette Midler. I ended up printing out the lyrics for both songs, and decided to make a medley of the two – hence came “A Solstice Rose”.
The 2nd piece, “A Punkish Resolution Carol”, is a take-off on the traditional carol “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen”, a melody that lends itself quite naturally to rock interpretation. And take-off it does indeed!… with fresh lyrics, a non-physical chorus, and explosive resolution.
I hope you enjoy! May the spirit infused in these songs be nestled amongst the ornaments of your holiday cheer, and fill your seasonal remembrance with hope, joy and inner knowing.
Love always, Doug