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- Lyrics to The Year of the Dove
- Lyrics to Weave a New World
- Lyrics to A Gallery of Angels Within
- Lyrics to Notes from the Bus Stop
- Hold the Vision Flipbook
- Lyrics to Hold the Vision
- Lyrics to Inner Light
- Lyrics to Muse in Love
- Lyrics to Heart Whale: The Wail of the Heart
- Lyrics to The Unobstructed Light
- Lyrics to Requiem for a Lost Friend
- Lyrics to Present Moment
- Lyrics to Life After Life
- Lyrics to self to Self
- Lyrics to Keys to the Kingsley
- Lyrics to Brilliance
- Lyrics to Stream of Well-Being
- Lyrics to Rainbowland
- Lyrics to Aphorisms
- Lyrics to Songster Timeline – Vol. 1
- Lyrics to Songster Rock Vol. 1
- Lyrics to Songster Timeline – Vol 2
- Lyrics to Songster Rock – Vol. 2
- Lyrics to Songster Encore
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- Year of the Dove Liner Notes
- Joy Amidst the Crash of Breaking Worlds Liner Notes
- The Dance With Music
- A Spiritual Influence in my Music
- The Unobstructed Light Liner Notes
- Heart Whale Liner Notes
- Inner Light Liner Notes
- Notes From the Bus Stop Liner Notes
- Muse in Love Liner Notes
- Hold the Vision Liner Notes
- A Gallery of Angels Within Liner Notes
- Weave a New World Liner Notes
- Gigs

Weave a New World
Dec 29th
This album has two concepts at play. The first, it’s conceived as a dance album. The defining attribute making it dance is the pulse. Each song begins with a pulse that continues to the end of the song. Whatever else might happen, the pulse is always steadily present. The second concept is that the lyrics are inspired by the myth reader, storyteller and visionary, Michael Meade. Many of the words are either paraphrased or directly transcribed from Michael’s Podcasts or You Tube videos. My initial introduction to his message was from a powerful video called “Climate Change and Mythic Imagination”, presented in August of 2021. Here is a quote from Michael’s book, Awakening the Soul:
“Despite what some might think, humans are not simply an accident of existence, or an experiment that has run its course. Rather, humans are a risk, taken by the forces of creation, in the interest of bringing conscious awareness and liberating insight into both the failures and the triumphs of existence.”
Thanks for your interest, and may we all, each in our own way, contribute to the weaving of a new world.
Love & Light,

A Gallery of Angels Within
Aug 6th
A while back, a dear friend made a suggestion to Cath that I consider doing an instrumental album. When Cath relayed the suggestion to me, I chuckled. “I’d be more likely to do a book of poetry than an instrumental album,” I responded. Still, a seed had been planted. This new album turns out to be a combination of both. Recited poems are alternated with instrumental interludes. The poetry, freed of lyrical parameters, is more expansive in its expression. The music, released of its responsibility to provide a setting to the lyrics, can be more complex in its content, and intricate in its arrangement and textures. On several occasions, the voice is included in the musical interludes, and functions as another instrument in the orchestration. This approach has been unique in my experience. I know of no other album taking such an approach. It has been quite an adventure, and now that it is complete, I am satisfied beyond imagination of expectancy. Hope you find the listen an enjoyable adventure as well.
Love & Light, Doug

Hold the Vision
Dec 12th
On December 12th, I completed the recording process for this album, “Hold the Vision.” The creative process began in June, so the entire album has come into being during this amazing and most unusual pandemic year.
A time of lock-down and isolation, it has also been an inward journey of great deepening. A time of letting go of many details that seemed important to the life flow, and in the space that resulted, a new experience of what is really most important to this life journey. The other side of letting go is stepping into new life.
“Hold the Vision” is the freest and deepest expression to come through so far, and I’m excited to see where the Muse Dance takes me next. Even as this physical temple shows signs of aging, I am nevertheless at the top of my game, and inspired to explore any and all new musical territory that Muse still has in store. Thanks to you, whoever might be reading this, for sharing this journey with me. Your connection with the music completes a creative circuit, and sparks the continuation of a creative adventure that is “beyond imagination of expectancy.”
So much love,

What a Ride: A book, a concert, a life
Sep 11th
Click on the image to watch the documentary Doug’s sister Jaine created, inspired by Josh Rice’s wonderful video footage taken on Doug’s 60th birthday concert weekend in May of 2016.
The night before the concert Doug’s family presented him with a birthday book, which chronicles a rich swath of Doug’s musical journey from childhood to Rainbowland Man. Doug and Jaine collaborated on the historical record of the film as well as the final production. The video will give you a sense of the abundant and extraordinary musical life Doug continues to weave.

Muse in Love: Poetic Dances and Meditations
May 23rd
It’s May 13th, my mom’s 89th birthday—coming down the home stretch of this new album that began on January 1, the first day of the new decade. Simultaneously, we began a global dance with a virus. The world is a different place, and life itself is in the balance…or so it seems. The opening words of this new project are a paraphrasing of Emerson: “What is coming and what has been, are but small details for the light awakening within.” These words have been very much with me as we traverse this strange time. Strange, yes…and also deeply inward, rich with space and insight.
My previous album, Notes from the Bus Stop, explored “forever in the fleeting,” the magic and transcendence of the life right under my nose. Muse in Love reaches for the vibration of the place the Bus will take us. The projector is smiling.
If you’re reading this, you must be a good friend. Thank you. Enjoy the dance with the Muse as she comes to you.
Love and Light,

Spark Video
May 5th
Click on the image for the link to the video

Spark is a visual interpretation of Doug Rice’s poetic piece of the same name from the album self to Self.
Created by Jaine Rice.
Doug Rice’s 60th Birthday Concert
Apr 12th
After a four-year circuitous journey, the film of my 60th birthday concert is on the website.
While my 60th birthday was April 4, 2016, the concert took place on May 21, 2016.
The sound loses something in the translation to film. Still, it is lovely to have this document of a special day.
There is a detailed accounting of the event, along with a wonderful slide show, earlier in the sequence of this “News & Notes” feed.

Notes From the Bus Stop: Songs of Nature, Philosophy and Home
Jul 28th
“Notes from the Bus Stop” was conceived and composed across the months of January through April 2019. It is an articulation of my deepest explorations and understandings of this life experience, during this time window, as I turned 63.
The poetry and musical ideas were collected separately, and then paired together. The lyrics were written during my daily walks out Rice’s Crossing Road. My beloved gave me a small, hardbound notebook. It is engraved with a guitar, and fits in the back pocket of my jeans.
The journey of this album, composing, orchestrating, and now enjoying, has been the deepest satisfaction for me. I am complete, and ready for more… the abundance of enough… ever new joy.
The bus stop is a meadow, with a cottage and a rainbow. The bus stop is a heaven of my own reflection.
And the bus is coming to a moment just like this one.
So much love….

Latest Recording
Oct 9th
Early in 2018, I read an interview with Ron Wood of the Rolling Stones. At age 72, he had recently overcome an aggressive cancer, his girlfriend gave birth to twins; he had an art gallery showing of his paintings, wrote a book, and was about to head out on tour with the Stones. When asked how he copes with this-that-and-the-other, his response was: “I just let it all go, man. Just let it flow…let it all go.”—A seeming cliché that never the less spoke to me like hearing it for the first time.
The exploration of “letting go” became the heart and inspiration of this album, and touching back into the lyrics continues to be my polestar in this world of madness. “Inner Light” is offered in gratitude to the Music Muse. God may very well be a sadistic tyrant, but the Muse is an independent spirit and does as she pleases. She laughs at his folly, and any time I turn to her, she comes. Thank Dog for music, the only sanity.
Special thanks to my buddy, Nelson, for his inspiration and keyboard performance on “Black Belt.” Nelson IS the black belt.